Tuesday, December 09, 2003

A Nobel Prize & many questions…
It's funny how they shape your thoughts. At first, you become surprised by a big event that seems to be great for you & a nation; & after a while it seems like that entire honor was fake & unreal.
And at last It's you, that even don't know if you've been misused or not, & can't recognize right & wrong…That's all like a big riddle.

After winning that Nobel Prize by Shirin Ebadi & her arrive in Iran, different things were said about her & the prize.
a number of people believe that Shirin Ebadi wasn't suitable choice for this prize, & some believe that she was , but the situation made her change & didn't let her do what she has to. Some seriously opposed her speeches about Islam, Reform in Islamic regime & recently about voting & not boycotting the election; but some others also believed that she did & said it all just to follow her specific strategy, and we should try to understand her situation & conditions instead of just condemning what she does…
So, that IS like a riddle, isn't that?

Anyway, she has arrived in Oslo & will officially receive her Prize on Wednesday;
And after all, the positive point is that scarf that doesn't exist covering her head showing a woman's weakness & the rules that take her freedom.
So if I can't be certain about her intentions & purposes; but at least I can be proud of the way she appears as the symbol of Iranian women; the way they want to be, not the way they are.

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