Sunday, March 30, 2003

It's about one week to the end of holidays, & I don't think we're gonna do anything special; so I'm somehow bored & although don't feel like going to school but because of this boredom I'm waiting for the end of these holiday; you know, these days all I do is following news of war, getting hopeful because of progress of US troop & getting angry because of hearing about anti-war protest...& still I can not understand what these protesters mean & can not persuade myself that they are right, I don't know perhaps I'm getting cruel that can not feel the senses they seem to have, but I think that's because I'm an Iranian that cares about the future & thinks about the advantages of this war for her country, Iraq & US. You know, thinking about every cases even the worst makes me realize that there could be no situation better than this.
Yes, these protesters want peace & try to stop this war; so it seems that they want Iraqis although with so much oil, but always poor, hungry & under leadership of such a cruel man, & so weak & unable to stand against the regime & have their rights... actually this is the situation of Iraqis, so they need help; & who can be a supporter, better than US? Even, if as they say this war is for oil, what's wrong with fighting to take oil from a person who doesn't know its worth & just can not use it for the welfare of people...?
I think & try to understand why are these people doing these kinds of things in streets to protest against the war , & still I can not find an answer ; but I'm sure that their freedom doesn't let them think about life without freedom!!!

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